Kevin Costner

She Fell in Love With Kevin Costner, They Had Deep Talks but When She Discovered the Truth She Was Devastated

Social networks have become an important communication channel in recent years. However, some use it for dark purposes and seek victims through them. That happened to Rachel , the owner of a medical office, who was looking for a new love relationship after her separation at the age of 57. Believe it or burst, she fell in love with actor Kevin Costner and dated him until she realized it was all a virtual scam.

The woman in question shared her traumatizing story when she thought she was meeting Kevin Costner. It all started when she received a message from the person posing as the Hollywood star in July of this year through Instagram. She, fearful, wondered how a person like that would choose her, but she texted him back. “I felt lucky that he had noticed me among the thousands of followers on his social networks ,” she said in an interview with MailOnline .

Although at first she was not convinced of the veracity, a voice message and a video call convinced her. “How could he not be the real Kevin Costner when his ‘smoky’ voice is exactly the same as in his movies?” , she asked herself.

Everything fit. She had divorced her husband in 2005 and the Yellostone (2018) actor had filed for divorce from Christine Baumgartner in May of this year. As the conversations went on, he fell in love with her more and more.

In each WhatsApp message I told him how special he was, in addition to constant voice messages to maintain a fluid dialogue. “At night, he used to leave me messages wishing me sweet dreams. I thought they were wonderful ,” Rachel added.

The woman, 57 years old and born in Sussex, became excited after the person shared life stories with her. The supposed actor showed his family and friends, which reached a high level of seriousness in this bond that was being formed. Liam, Cayden, Lily and Annie Costner wrote through her “secondary social media accounts” to tell Rachel that her father wouldn’t stop talking about her.

They talked for three months. Rachel told him about her job and the trips she wanted to take, while the supposed actor talked to her about the projects she was working on. “He also told me how much his children meant to him. She made me feel loved, safe, very special, like in a fairy tale. She gave me hope that we would make plans for our future. I lost weight with feelings of lovesickness,” she continued.

Kevin mentioned that his manager didn’t like him talking to a fan, so he asked them to switch to Google chat and Telegram chat so he wouldn’t know they were talking. Rachel became suspicious of this decision and even more so when Kevin – or rather, the impostor – began to reject video calls.

But the scam came to an end in September. “ He asked me for £3000 for VIP membership, which meant I would have full access to him .” I realized that I had been lured into a trap and had been completely fooled,” he concluded.

Rachel felt “traumatized” by this fact and was so ashamed that she did not want to share it even with her family, but finally decided to make it public to raise awareness among other people that they can be scammed virtually with today’s technology.

Also read: The Gift That Kevin Costner Gave to His New Girlfriend and That Infuriated His Ex-wife

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